Tag: Luciano Lista

Life, Food, and Travel

Viaggio in Calabria e Sicilia: Scilla

… Scilla ivi alberga, …. Scilla è atroce/ Mostro, e sino a un dio, che a lei si fesse,/ Non mirerebbe in lei senza ribrezzo,/ Dodici ha piedi, anteriori tutti,/Sei lunghissimi colli e su ciascuno/ Spaventosa una testa, e nelle bocche/ Di spessi denti un triplicato giro,/E la morte più amara di ogni dente….. Omero (Odissea, XII, 112…)

Omero, nell’Odissea, descrive così Scilla,  il mostro marino che si nasconde tra gli scogli battuti dalle pericolose e turbolente acque calabresi dello Stretto di Messina, e divora i marinai che incappano tra le sue tremende branche. (more…)

Life, Food, and Travel

Trip to Calabria and Sicily: Serra San Bruno









Out of Tropea, you can either take the provincial road SP17 or state road SS522 along the coast, to arrive at Vibo Valentia from where you can then start to climb towards the Serre either north-east towards Sant’Onofrio and Simbario or south-east through Soriano Calabro. Regardless of which road you decide to take, the Serre of Calabria will be your endpoint. This a vast mountain area that extends along the Calabrian Apennines starting from the Sila in the North and ending in the Limina, the gate to the Aspromonte mountains at an elevation of 2000 metres.

Life, Food, and Travel

World Saving Solutions from Unexpected Sources. The answers are local.

It is inconceivable that many, whether by choice, lack of interest or unawareness, continue to ignore the environmental and climatic changes that are taking place. Since the late sixties, scientists and environmental groups have been sounding the alarm: we are on an irrevocable collision course with disastrous agents of change fuelled by consumerism, greed and a relentless onslaught of technology. (more…)

Life, Food, and Travel

Settembre in Calabria e Sicilia – Pizzo Calabro

La cittadina di Pizzo Calabro è stata la prima meta del nostro itinerario. Il suo nome deriva dalla forma a pizzo di un becco d’uccello, del promontorio su cui si affaccia e che emerge dalla spettacolare Costa degli Dei. L’attuale località fu probabilmente parte di un’antica colonia greca; della quale oggi non rimane evidenza concreta. Di certo è che nel tredicesimo secolo nei pressi di quest’antico villaggio di pescatori, dei monaci Basiliani vi fondarono una comunità. (more…)

Life, Food, and Travel

El Camino de Santiago de Compostela

El Camino de Santiago de Compostela … a pilgrimage for body and spirit

During medieval times, Santiago De Compostela was the destination of one of the three main pilgrimages of the Christian world, along with Rome and Jerusalem. In the last few years this charming Spanish town, the capital of Galicia, has regained its old notoriety thanks also to the influence of social media.

The name Santiago comes from the Spanish “Sant-Yago” and from the Latin “Sancti Jacobi” and it identified Saint James, the Apostle chosen by Jesus at the beginning of his mission.

St. James, together with his younger brother John, was the first disciple to follow Jesus. The scriptures tell us that the two were with their father Zebedee, fishing on Lake Tiberias, not far from home when Jesus called them.

St. James, who according to tradition had a very fiery character and therefore had no qualms about exposing the injustices and tyrannies of the powerful of his time, became the first apostle to become a martyr when he was beheaded by King Herod Agrippa in the first century AD.

Legend has it that His remains were secretly taken to a remote location in Galicia (present-day Spain). In the year 830 a mystic by the name Pelagio had a vision in a dream that revealed to him the location of the remains of the Apostle. The bishop Teodomiro came to the site and found the tomb of the saint. He subsequently declared that locality a sacred place and named it “campus stellae” meaning, “the field of the star”, from which derives the current name Compostela.

Soon after, the locality became the scenario of fierce battles against Muslim invaders who were ultimately defeated in the year 840, thanks to the intervention of the saint. Tradition has it that, in the final battle, the Saint miraculously appeared at the head of the Christian army and the Moors were defeated once and for all. This miracle gained St. James the nickname of “Matamoros”, or “Moors’ slayer” and the area took the name of Santiago. In 1075 a magnificent cathedral dedicated to San James was built in the present day location at Santiago de Compostela.

Every year, thousands of pilgrims travel (primarily on foot) along one of the many long routes from Portugal, Spain, and France that lead to the tomb of the Apostle James. There are many different routes (known as “Caminos”); the longest of which is about 800 km and can be completed in a month depending on the fitness level of the pilgrim. There are other less arduous caminos that can be completed in less time and with more ease. For example, the route that starts from Paredes de Coura, not far from Fatima in Portugal, can easily be approached in less than ten days walking an average of 20 kilometers a day.

This pilgrimage is a unique occasion for travellers everywhere; and not only for Christians. Spiritually it is an unforgettable experience which gives everyone a chance for a deep, inner, and personal introspection. At the very least, this journey presents itself as a unique opportunity to recharge not only the spirit but also the body.

If you are interested in experiencing this unforgettable journey, please go to www.tourcentral.ca or call us at (905) 264-5992.



 ICT resources…

During my presentations and worshops, I often make reference to resources and web 2.0 tools.

I post some of these links with brief descriptions.  If you find miore and would like to contribute let me know.

I will update these links periodically.

Resource Description & Link
Comic  Books  http://canadianfreestuff.com/free-comic-books-for-teachers/#axzz0ddC6FIbLMany downloadable free comic books and samples for teachers
http://bitstripsforschools.com/ Bitstrips is Ministry Licensed software for School Boards in Ontario. This is a great tool to create comics for lessons and presentations.
http://www.sevenoaksart.co.uk/Collection of free animated images
Animations http://www.aniboom.com/Animachines/Create animations online and export them for your students ore your own presentations and lesson ideas
http://www.photofunia.com/Add your image to preset animations – excellent for any presentation
Online Books
(eBooks, audio books,



Public domain books available as free audio books.
Project Gutenberg – Free electronic books available for download
Web 2.0 http://www.tools4noobs.com/
Easily summarize in point form– any web page or article.  Great tool for Differentiated Instruction.